A confident Hermann Goering thought that it would be only a matter of weeks before his German airforce had forced Britain to surrender. The resourcefulness of the RAF were to prove him wrong. By the end of September 1940, the Royal Air Force had proved invincible, thanks to the Vickers Supermarine Spitfire. It exceeded anything that any other air force possessed. RJ Mitchell, a shy and almost painfully modest engineer, was the genius behind the Spitfire.
Prize-winning historian Leo McKinstry presents a vivid history of the Spitfire. It is a tale full of drama and heroism, of glory and tragedy, with the main protagonist the remarkable plane that played a crucial role in saving Britain. One of the best books ever written of the Spitfire, compelling, comprehensive, and easy to read. Softcover, 460 pages. Price $29.50 + delivery.
Takeoffs and Landings gives expert, flight tested techniques pilots need in the critical phases of flight in tricycle gear and taildragger aircraft. This aviation classic book is about the realities of flying into and out of an airfield safely and with skill - every time. Emphasis is given to stall/spin avoidance and the inherent risks of flying low and slow. Five different ways of touching down, and three different ways of landing in a crosswind are detailed. A master aviator writes down all he knows about takeoffs and landings. Softcover, 300 pages, great value. Price $29.50 + delivery.
Easy to use spiral-bound book presents a core reference manual for pilots, mechanics, and aircraft owners, this book compiles 'bottom line' reference material from a wide range of reference books and government publications - all this into a handy, toolbox-size guide. Includes information critical to maintaining an aircraft.
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