Although we fly all year, the best months to fly in our area near Melbourne, Victoria is October to July inclusive. See more detail below ...
If you would like a colour copy of the current Australian synoptic weather chart CLICK HERE
For the current Melbourne rain and storm radar service CLICK HERE
Know how to read a weather chart? CLICK HERE to see the chart for the next 4 days of flying.
To translate an encoded weather forecast into plain english CLICK HERE. Please note this free “cut and paste” decode service is not an approved CASA service.
When to fly guide: June - July, cold (15c), calm with a few days of fog, good flying; August-September, lots of wind, rainstorms, warmer (15 -20c) not our best months to fly however we are still open and available; October-November, warmer (18-24c), light winds, good flying; November- January, warmer (20-28c), good flying; February, hot (25-35c) flying best early or late in the day (daylight saving late flying available); March - May, warm (18-28c) our best flying months.
Don't forget to bookmark our site before you go !
Phone 0422446622 Riddell Airfield,
located near Melbourne, Australia.
Email mail@goflying.com.au